FXUA IT Department

Calculating Grades

Two Course Options are Calculate Midterm Grades and Calculate Final Grades, which will automate grade book grade calculation.

Step-By-Step: Calculate Mid Term Grade

  1. Click the Calculate MidTerm Gradeslink.

  2. Enter the cutoff date for grade calculation using a MM/DD/YYYY format. Click Calculate Midterm Grade. Any assignment up to and including this date will be used in the midterm grade calculation.
    Note: These calculations can be run anytime and using the cut-off date can provide the instructor with the option of providing students with a current grade as of that date. This could help students gauge how they are doing in class.
    CAMS Enterprise will display the students and their course assignments that do not have grades entered. Click the student name or the assignment name to enter these missing grades then repeat steps 1 and 2.

  3. Click the View or Edit Calculated Gradeslink to view the current GPA and grade.

    Click on the Midterm link for any student that you would like to override the automatic grade calculation and enter a different grade. For example, if a student was 1/10 of a point from an A you may change their grade from a B+ to the A.

Mid-Term Grade Calculation

When grades are calculated mid-term the following items are applied:

  • All assignments/tests with a due date on or before the cut-off date.
  • Zero grades must also have a letter grade (zero grades without a letter grade are treated as missing assignments)
  • Missing grades are omitted from the calculation and a notice is displayed that the grade is missing during processing.
  • Drops and Assignments marked as Excused are not included in the grade calculation.
    Note: If the Number of Drops and Excused combined is equal to or greater than the number of assignments in the category, one assignment will still be calculated in the Midterm and/or Final grade. If all assignments in a category are excused (with no drops), the entire category is removed from the calculations.
  • Categories with no Assignment grades within the cutoff date are excluded in the calculations.

Using Assignment Weighting

The formula for mid-term grade calculation using assignment weighting is as follows.

  • For each Category (with assignments that have a Due Date on or before the Midterm Cut Off)
    Sum this: (Pts Earned / Pts Available * Assignment Weight / Sum of Assignment Weights * Category Weight / Sum of Category Weights )
  • Add all of the Category Sums:
    SUM(TotalScaledScore * 100) As FinalPts

Assignment Weighting Example

Category 1: 50%, 1 drop
Assignment 1: 100 points, Weight 1
Assignment 2: 50 points, Weight 2
Assignment 3: 75 points, Weight 2

Category 2: 30%
Assignment 4: 100 points, Weight 1
Assignment 5: 100 points, Weight 2
Assignment 6: 75 points, Weight 3

Category 3: 20%
Assignment 7: 50 points, Weight 1
Assignment 8: 50 points, Weight 1

Student Scores:
Assignment 1: 95
Assignment 2: 45
Assignment 3: 75
Assignment 4: 99
Assignment 5: Excused
Assignment 6: 75
Assignment 7: 50
Assignment 8: 30
Category 1
Assignment 1: 95/100 * 1/3 * 50/100 = .158333
Assignment 2: dropped
Assignment 3: 75/75 * 2/3 * 50/100 = .333333

Category 2
Assignment 4: 99/100 * 1/4 * 30/100 = .074250
Assignment 5: excused
Assignment 6: 75/75 * 3/4 * 30/100 = .225000

Category 3
Assignment 7: 50/50 * 1/2 * 20/100 = .100000
Assignment 8: 30/50 * 1/2 * 20/100 = .060000
Category Sum = .950916

.950916 * 100 = 95.0916%

Non-Assignment Weighting

The formula for mid-term grade calculation NOT using assignment weighting is as follows.

  • For each Category (with assignments that have a Due Date on or before the Midterm Cut Off) Sum this: (Pts Earned / Pts Available * Category Weight / Sum of Category Weights )
  • Add all of the Category Sums. SUM(TotalScaledScore * 100) As FinalPts

Step-By-Step: Calculate Final Term Grade

  1. From Course Options click the Calculate Final Gradeslink.

    A list of assignments that are missing grades is displayed. Click the student name or the assignment name to enter these missing grades then repeat step 1. Click the View or Edit Calculated Gradeslink to view the current GPA and grade.

    The last column in the display shows whether the final grade has been submitted to the registrar.

Final Grade Calculation

When grades are calculated Final the following items are applied:

  • All assignments/tests.
  • Zero grades must also have a letter grade (zero grades without a letter grade are treated as missing assignments)
  • Drops and Assignments marked as Excused are not included in the grade calculation.

Using Assignment Weighting

The formula for final grade calculation using assignment weighting is as follows.

  • For each Category (with assignments that have a grade entered)
    Sum this: (Pts Earned / Pts Available * Assignment Weight / Sum of Assignment Weights * Category Weight / Sum of Category Weights )
  • Add all of the Category Sums:
    SUM(TotalScaledScore * 100) As FinalPts

Assignment Weighting Example

Category 1: 50%, 1 drop
Assignment 1: 100 points, Weight 1
Assignment 2: 50 points, Weight 2
Assignment 3: 75 points, Weight 2

Category 2: 30%
Assignment 4: 100 points, Weight 1
Assignment 5: 100 points, Weight 2
Assignment 6: 75 points, Weight 3

Category 3: 20%
Assignment 7: 50 points, Weight 1
Assignment 8: 50 points, Weight 1

Student Scores:
Assignment 1: 95
Assignment 2: 45
Assignment 3: 75
Assignment 4: 99
Assignment 5: Excused
Assignment 6: 75
Assignment 7: 50
Assignment 8: 30
Category 1
Assignment 1: 95/100 * 1/3 * 50/100 = .158333
Assignment 2: dropped
Assignment 3: 75/75 * 2/3 * 50/100 = .333333

Category 2
Assignment 4: 99/100 * 1/4 * 30/100 = .074250
Assignment 5: excused
Assignment 6: 75/75 * 3/4 * 30/100 = .225000

Category 3
Assignment 7: 50/50 * 1/2 * 20/100 = .100000
Assignment 8: 30/50 * 1/2 * 20/100 = .060000
Category Sum = .950916

.950916 * 100 = 95.0916%

Non-Assignment Weighting

The formula for mid-term grade calculation NOT using assignment weighting is as follows.

  • For each Category (with assignments that have a grade entered)
    Sum this: (Pts Earned / Pts Available * Category Weight / Sum of Category Weights )
  • Add all of the Category Sums.
    SUM(TotalScaledScore * 100) As FinalPts

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