1. Use your student portal username and password to log in at https://portal.fxua.edu/student.
  2. From the Administrative Services section of your left-hand menu, click "My Ledger".

  3. At the top of the page, you may filter the charges on your account to show all charges or to show only fees.

  4. Make a payment by clicking “Make Payment” on the right side of the screen below your ledger balances.

    Alternatively, if you are currently on a payment installment plan, below the billing ledger you may select the current payment and click “Pay by credit card” to make your payment easily.

  5. On the Billing Information page, enter the amount you wish to pay and then select the payment method. Complete all of your personal information and then click “Continue to secure payment form".

  6. On the next page, choose your card type and click “Continue".

  7. Next, enter your credit card information then click “Continue” to finalize the payment.

  8. After your payment has successfully processed, you may print a receipt. The balance on your ledger may take 1-2 business days to update.

Note: Late fees are assessed on payments made past the payment deadline. If you have any questions regarding your account balance, please contact the Accounting Office at (703) 591-7042 x335 or x360. You may also contact the Accounting Office via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..